Reflective Ramble

for 2 hours, 30 mins
Peterchurch: St Peter
Peterchurch: St Peter, Church Road Peterchurch Hereford, HR2 0RT, United Kingdom

Join us for May’s Reflective Ramble. We will meet at St.Peter’s Church, Peterchurch. HR2 0RS

The theme of our May walk is ‘naming’. Our walk will be enriched with pauses to identify flowers, wildlife and birds – bring binoculars if you have them.’
We will walk together led safely by Sarah Price from Walk Hay, Stopping at various points, we will be led through some reflections by Luci our local vicar, (bring your own faith, or none, all are welcome).
Please bring your own supper to eat together afterwards in the church if you would like to.
Link below in ‘More Info’ to book your space.

Walterstone: St Mary

The church is open every day and visitors are welcome. There is an information leaflet available to help you find the points of interest; please take it with you as a souvenir of your visit.

There are services and other events at the church every two months or so and everyone is welcome to join in whether they live locally or are visiting the area. 

Please do not send mail to the church. Use the contact details on this website.

Get in touch

Judy Roberts

Trewyn Mill


Our website

What's on

Reflective Ramble

for 2 hours, 30 mins
Peterchurch: St Peter
Peterchurch: St Peter, Church Road Peterchurch Hereford, HR2 0RT, United Kingdom

Join us for May’s Reflective Ramble. We will meet at St.Peter’s Church, Peterchurch. HR2 0RS

The theme of our May walk is ‘naming’. Our walk will be enriched with pauses to identify flowers, wildlife and birds – bring binoculars if you have them.’
We will walk together led safely by Sarah Price from Walk Hay, Stopping at various points, we will be led through some reflections by Luci our local vicar, (bring your own faith, or none, all are welcome).
Please bring your own supper to eat together afterwards in the church if you would like to.
Link below in ‘More Info’ to book your space.