Welcoming our bells back to Walterstone

for 3 hours
Walterstone: St Mary
Court Rd Walterstone Hereford, HR2 0DX, United Kingdom

This is going to be a big day involving all the people who have worked so hard to get the bells removed, repaired and replaced in the bellcote of St Mary's. Bishop Richard of Hereford will be with us (the first episcopal visit to Walterstone in living memory!) We will gather from 10 am and there will be a short service in the church at 10.30 followed by the blessing of the bells then a chance to try your hand at bellringing as well as meet the experts and see a small exhibition about the project. Everyone will be invited for refreshments followed by a selection of music from a classical trio. To help us with numbers, do get in touch if you plan to come by calling or texting 07732966951. Remember to tell us who you are!

Walterstone: St Mary

The church is open every day and visitors are welcome. There is an information leaflet available to help you find the points of interest; please take it with you as a souvenir of your visit.

There are services and other events at the church every two months or so and everyone is welcome to join in whether they live locally or are visiting the area. 

Please do not send mail to the church. Use the contact details on this website.

Get in touch

Judy Roberts

Trewyn Mill


Our website

What's on

Welcoming our bells back to Walterstone

for 3 hours
Walterstone: St Mary
Court Rd Walterstone Hereford, HR2 0DX, United Kingdom

This is going to be a big day involving all the people who have worked so hard to get the bells removed, repaired and replaced in the bellcote of St Mary's. Bishop Richard of Hereford will be with us (the first episcopal visit to Walterstone in living memory!) We will gather from 10 am and there will be a short service in the church at 10.30 followed by the blessing of the bells then a chance to try your hand at bellringing as well as meet the experts and see a small exhibition about the project. Everyone will be invited for refreshments followed by a selection of music from a classical trio. To help us with numbers, do get in touch if you plan to come by calling or texting 07732966951. Remember to tell us who you are!