Social Knitwork Workshop

for 2 hours
Dore Abbey
Dore Abbey, Abbeydore Hereford, HR2 0AA, United Kingdom

Join Lou Baker in some mindful making alongside her installation of red knitting in Dore Abbey.

Making is a good for you - research shows that the repetitive actions of many textile processes can improve wellbeing. Making with others adds a different dimension, it leads to mellow conversation and a sense of connection.
Bring knitting, crochet or sewing; make a Pom Pom or just come and be part of Lou’s Social Knitwork!

Suitable for all ages, materials and tools will be provided.

Tea and cake too!

Walterstone: St Mary

The church is open every day and visitors are very welcome. There is an information leaflet available to help you find the points of interest; please take it with you as a souvenir of your visit. A display on the west wall records our recent project to refurbish and rehang the bells. A stamp is available for pilgrims travelling the Golden Valley Pilgrim Way.

There are services and other events at the church every two months or so and everyone is welcome to join in whether they live locally or are visiting the area. 

Please do not send mail to the church. Use the contact details on this website.

Get in touch

Judy Roberts

Trewyn Mill

Anne Lloyd - Deanery Coordinator
01981 620145

Our website

What's on

Social Knitwork Workshop

for 2 hours
Dore Abbey
Dore Abbey, Abbeydore Hereford, HR2 0AA, United Kingdom

Join Lou Baker in some mindful making alongside her installation of red knitting in Dore Abbey.

Making is a good for you - research shows that the repetitive actions of many textile processes can improve wellbeing. Making with others adds a different dimension, it leads to mellow conversation and a sense of connection.
Bring knitting, crochet or sewing; make a Pom Pom or just come and be part of Lou’s Social Knitwork!

Suitable for all ages, materials and tools will be provided.

Tea and cake too!