Electoral Roll Revision 2025
2025 is an important year in our benefice churches. In accordance with the Church
Representation Rules, every six years we are required to revise our Church Electoral Rolls.
This will be in preparation for our forthcoming Annual Parochial Church Meetings that will take
place in the spring. The Church Electoral Roll is your parish church’s register of electors and is
the list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in the
elections for the Parochial Church Council.
A new Electoral Roll is being prepared for this year. This means everyone has to re-apply in
order to stay on the Electoral Roll. You need to be on the Electoral Roll in order to have a
voice at the Annual Parish Meeting at your local church. If you are not resident in a local parish
where you worship, being on the Electoral Roll, ensures you can still play a full part in the
decision making processes of the church you belong to. In order to be on the Electoral Roll
you must either live in the parish or have regularly attended services in the church for at least
6 months before applying to be on the register.
2025 is the year when you have to ‘opt in’, or we will have to assume you have opted out.
Local Electoral Roll Officers can only include you on the register if you complete and sign a
new application form (see page 7) and return it to either them, myself or one of the
churchwardens serving your parish.
We want to make this as easy as we can and welcome old and new members to the Electoral
Roll and family of local churches. We will try and get in touch with as many people as possible
to let them know they need to make an application. We will also leave forms in churches and
can send them out by email. Contact; [email protected]
If you would like to know more about becoming involved in your parish church, please get in
touch with me or your local churchwarden, Jenneke Bryant.
I look forward to welcoming and partnering with you all as together we seek to grow our
churches and support one another in 2025 and beyond.
Every blessing
07780 586846 [email protected]