Church at Home

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Online, At home, United Kingdom

A weekly Recorded Service from the Church of England can be found by clicking on the 'Further Details' button below. This is a service which may come from anywhere, and which you can watch at a time and place convenient to you!

Stottesdon: St Mary

Services in the Stottesdon Group of Churches for the next few weeks: everybody is welcome at any of our services in any of our churches 

2 March Holy Communion 9am at Farlow and Morning Prayer (BCP) 10:30 at Stottesdon with Rev Neil Dunlop

9 March  Holy Communion 9am at Cleeton-S-M and 10:30 at Stottesdon with Rev Preb John Daniels

16 March Informal Worship 10:30 at Stottesdon with Rev Justin Bailey and Holy Communion 11:45 at Sidbury with Rev David Poyner

23 March Holy Communion 9am at Silvington and 1030 at Stottesdon with Rev Justin Bailey

St Mary's, Stottesdon, in the Stottesdon Benefice:  St Mary's may seem a surprisingly big church for a small village, reflecting its history as being the centre of the Mediaeval Stottesdon Hundred. St Mary's is distinguished by its beautiful Hereford School carved stone font, and its earlier tympanum.  A major restoration completed in 2024 (with National Lottery funding) included new heritage interpretation so that everyone can learn about this thousand-year old treasure at the heart of our community. Come and see for yourselves!  

Safeguarding: this church upholds the right of all to share in church activities in safety; see our Safeguarding notice on the main menu. 

Get in touch

The Parish is currently in vacancy, so please contact as below:

Either your Churchwarden - for contact details please see Wheatland News

or The Rural Dean, Revd Jeannetta Stokes

Rural Dean
01746 716698

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Church at Home

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Online, At home, United Kingdom

A weekly Recorded Service from the Church of England can be found by clicking on the 'Further Details' button below. This is a service which may come from anywhere, and which you can watch at a time and place convenient to you!