Related Churches
Middleton Scriven: St John the Baptist
St John the Baptist, Middleton Scriven, in the Stottesdon Group of Churches
This Victorian church rebuild is on the site of the original mediaeval church, which was also extended at the same time. It has recently been reordered to provide community space in the nave, where monthly coffee mornings and special occasions like harvest suppers and Lent lunches can be held.
For information about services in all the churches in the Stottesdon Group, please click on this link:
Stottesdon: St Mary - A Church Near You
Safeguarding: this church upholds the right of all to share in church activities in safety; see our Safeguarding notice on the main menu.
Cleeton St Mary: St Mary
St Mary's, Cleeton St Mary, in the Stottesdon Group of Churches
St Mary's church was built by a local philanthropist in the late nineteenth century along with a vicarage, school and alms houses, for the scattered farming community on the north-east slopes of the Titterstone Clee Hill. It is a gem of a building - not much to look at outside, but beautifully finished on the inside in the best of Victorian gothic. It serves as a place of worship for Sunday services and for the life occasions of this little village perched on the edge of the hill, with views across towards the Derbyshire Peak!
For information about services in all the churches in the Stottesdon Group, please click on this link:
Stottesdon: St Mary - A Church Near You
Safeguarding: this church upholds the right of all to share in church activities in safety; see our Safeguarding notice on the main menu.
Sidbury: Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity, Sidbury, in the Stottesdon Group of Churches
This small and very attractive church stands next to the field where the ground holds the undulations of the old deserted village. It has distinctive herringbone stonework, and beautiful panelling inside.
We hold our service at 11:45 on the third Sunday of every month - details and for information about services in all the churches in the Stottesdon Group, please click on this link: Stottesdon: St Mary - A Church Near You
Safeguarding: this church upholds the right of all to share in church activities in safety; see our Safeguarding notice on the main menu.
Silvington: St Michael
St Michael's, Silvington, in the Stottesdon Group of Churches
This is the ultimate country church: small, ancient and at the heart of its community surrounded by farm buildings! It serves a tiny parish but is actively used - not just for regular Sunday services, but for special occasions for the community as well. As it has been for the last eight hundred years or so.
For information about services in all the churches in the Stottesdon Group, please click on this link:
Stottesdon: St Mary - A Church Near You
Safeguarding: this church upholds the right of all to share in church activities in safety; see our Safeguarding notice on the main menu.
Farlow: St Giles
St Giles, Farlow, in the Stottesdon Group of Churches
This Victorian Church was built at the top Farlow Bank above the site of the original older church, and is now, appropriately, next to the Church of England Primary School. It has one of the finest views from the churchyard of any church in the diocese, looking across the Brown Clee Hill towards the Wrekin.
For information about services in all the churches in the Stottesdon Group, please click on this link:
Stottesdon: St Mary - A Church Near You
Safeguarding: this church upholds the right of all to share in church activities in safety; see our Safeguarding notice on the main menu.
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