Stottesdon: St Mary

Services in the Stottesdon Group of Churches for the next few weeks: everybody is welcome at any of our services in any of our churches

7 July Holy Communion: 9am at Farlow and Stottesdon at 10:30 (with Rev Justin Bailey)

14 July Holy Communion: 9am at Cleeton St Mary and Stottesdon at 10:30 (with Rev Justin Bailey)

21 July Informal Worship 10:30 at Stottesdon (with Ann Constable) and Holy Communion 11.45 at Sidbury (with Rev David Poyner)

28 July Holy Communion: 9am at Silvington and Stottesdon at 10:30 (with Rev Justin Bailey)

4 August Holy Communion: 9am at Farlow and Stottesdon at 10:30 (with Rev Justin Bailey)

St Mary's, Stottesdon, in the Stottesdon Group of Churches

St Mary's is a surprisingly big church for quite a small village, and reflects the history of Stottesdon as being the centre of the Mediaeval Stottesdon Hundred. St Mary's is distinguished by its beautiful Hereford School carved stone font, and its pre-Norman tympanum.  A major restoration completed last year (enabled by National Lottery Heritage funding) and we have installed brand new heritage interpretation so that everyone can access and learn about this thousand-year old treasure at the heart of our community.   Come and see for yourselves!   NEW this summer: display in the tower of “finds” and artefacts from the archaeological work undertaken during the restoration……

Safeguarding: this church upholds the right of all to share in church activities in safety; see our Safeguarding notice on the main menu. 

Get in touch

The Parish is currently in vacancy, so please contact as below:

Either your Churchwarden - for contact details please see Wheatland News

or The Rural Dean, Revd Jeannetta Stokes

Rural Dean
01746 716698

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A weekly Recorded Service from the Church of England can be found by clicking on the 'Further Details' button below. This is a service which may come from anywhere, and which you can watch at a time and place convenient to you!

Full scripts for Morning Prayer, Prayer at Midday and Evening Prayer.