Holy Communion

Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Ratlinghope: St Margaret's
Ratlinghope Shrewsbury, SY5 0SR, United Kingdom

Using Common Worship liturgy, with hymns and a sermon.
Priest-led, with the involvement of other members of the congregation.
Refreshments after the service

Every fourth Sunday of the month

Prayer Meetings at Lydham Church

Monthly. Every Fourth Tuesday at for 30 mins
Holy Trinity, Lydham
Holy Trinity, Lydham, On side of A488 Lydham Bishops Castle, SY9 5HD

Prayer Meetings at Lydham Church 10am.
Everyone Welcome to come and join us.
During this Diocesan Year of Prayer we are developing our prayer life together for a very simple reason.
Nothing, absolutely nothing of any lasting spiritual value in the life and mission of our local churches can be
achieved without prayer. If you possibly can come and be a part of it. We meet for half an hour.
The Lord Jesus Christ taught that there was a profound power in Christians praying together.
“If two of you agree on earth concerning anything that you ask it will be done for you by my Father in Heaven”. Matthew 18.19.

Whole Benefice Service

Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Various venues around the benefice.
Various venues around the benefice.

Whenever we have a fifth Sunday in the month, we gather together as a Benefice for our worship.
This is often held in the Village Hall at Norbury but can be in other venues too. Keep an eye out for the next event!

Whenever there is a fifth Sunday in the month

Morning Praise (DIY - Lay Led)

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Ratlinghope: St Margaret's
Ratlinghope Shrewsbury, SY5 0SR, United Kingdom

This service is led by our lay team and has a Celtic theme to the service.
A mix of hymns old and new as well as some modern worship songs.
Followed by refreshments and a time to talk.

Holy Communion

Every Second Sunday at for 50 mins
Ratlinghope: St Margaret's
Ratlinghope Shrewsbury, SY5 0SR, United Kingdom

Using Common Worship liturgy, with hymns and a sermon.
Priest-led, with the involvement of other members of the congregation.
Refreshments after the service

Every 2nd Sunday of the month