This coming Sunday, 10th April, is Palm Sunday. We will not be having our usual 9.30am service at Ratlinghope. Instead, come and join us as we remember Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem.We will meet by the Crown Pub at 3pm and process to the church for a Palm Sunday Service.
The main Family Service in the ‘English Parishes’, for Mothering Sunday, is going to be at Ratlinghope this year. We are preparing a family-friendly service with input from as many people as possible – young and older (and old). All of us who have, or had, mothers, and people who cared for us, (at least in our younger years) are going to thank them and give thanks for them.The usual posies will be at the service, and refreshments after the service.Please put this date in your diary. Thanks.
There was an error in the March Deanery Magazine - the wrong service times were listed for this Sunday.The correct times are: 9.30am Hyssington Holy Communion10.30am Ratlinghope Morning Praise (lay led)10.30am Churchstoke Morning Praise11.00am Norbury Holy Communion
Instead of just looking to what we may receive for Christmas let us look at the importance of what we can give to those who are not so fortunate as us at this time of year. We would love for everyone to have some Christmas Cheer. So please bring along tinned, packaged and dried foods (all long life please, not fresh produce), toiletries, or even feminine care products to be sent to those in need, who are worrying as much about putting a meal on the table, let alone have the ability to worry about presents.Donations can be left in the boxes at St. Margaret’s Church or The Bridges Pub, Ratlinghope. Thank you