What is Safeguarding?
It is a set of proactive systems to prevent ‘abuse’ of vulnerable people – i.e. children, adults with a physical or mental disability (sometimes for a short time) and older adults who are losing, or have lost, their capacity. Abuse can be neglect, physical, emotional or sexual.
In this Church:
· We seek to build a culture of ‘looking out’ for others and knowing what to do if there is a concern;
· We have policies and procedures for any eventuality;
· We have named Safeguarding Leads - Sue Ashe and Rev Val Tait;
· We have notices showing contact details of Sue and Val inside and outside church;
· We check all those who hold a paid (incumbent) or voluntary office (PCC) via the National Police Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS);
· We provide mandatory and regular training to PCC members on Safeguarding Awareness via the Diocese Safeguarding team;
· We have updates on Safeguarding procedures and policies at each PCC meeting but confidential information is never shared.
If you have any concern or question, please contact Sue in absolute confidence on 07759546487
Please pray for all those affected by abuse
Dear Father of all,
Be with those who have been affected by abuse. Give them courage to speak out and find healing.
Be with those who provide support to victims. Give them skills in active listening and sensitivity to each person they help.
Be with us all as we seek to build a better Church, Community and Society where all God’s children are safe from harm.
In your name we ask it. Amen