11 am Sunday morning service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's Presteigne
Broad Street Presteigne, LD8 2AF, United Kingdom

Sunday services at St Andrew's Presteigne take place each week at 11 am, with very rare exceptions. They alternate between Holy Communion and Morning Service, and between using Common Worship and the Book of Common Prayer. In 'normal times' they usually include a monthly Family Service.
We are currently following strict Covid-secure guidelines for services in the church, which means seating is distanced (though the chairs are not so far apart as they were earlier in the year); everyone attending is asked to wear face coverings for the duration of the service unless exempt, and to sanitise their hands on arrival and departure; and Communion is distributed in one kind only (wafers), from the chancel step. We also request that people try not to chat to one another within the church building. We know this is hard, but hope the regulations won't last too much longer. And we can now sing hymns!

Those who are unable to attend services in person may like to download the texts of services to say at home, together with weekly readings and collects, from this website – they are posted regularly on the News and notices page.

St Andrew's Coffee Morning

In January, February, March, April, May, June, October, November, December. Every Second Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Andrew's Presteigne
Broad Street Presteigne, LD8 2AF, United Kingdom

Roll up, roll up! Do come along to St Andrew's Church Hall and join us for refreshments and conversation, a small selection of things to buy and the all-important raffle, in aid of church funds. The hall is in the churchyard opposite the west end door of the church, between the bottom of St David's St/Church St and the bottom of Broad St / The Scallions. Depending on the weather the coffee morning will take place either in the courtyard or in the hall. We ask you to be aware of social distancing and to sanitise your hands on arrival, but otherwise our popular coffee mornings are very much back to normal and everyone is very welcome to attend.