Lenten Compline services at Discoed

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Michael's Church, Discoed
St Michael's Church, Discoed, Discoed, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2NW, United Kingdom

Tuesday 4 March to Tuesday 15 April
7 pm St Michael's Church Discoed
Service of Compline followed by reflections in words and music on The Seven Last Words from the Cross


11 am Sunday morning service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's Presteigne
Broad Street Presteigne, LD8 2AF, United Kingdom

Sunday services at St Andrew's Presteigne take place each week at 11 am, with very rare exceptions. They alternate between Holy Communion and Morning Service, and between using Common Worship and the Book of Common Prayer.
Those who are unable to attend services in person may like to download the texts of services to say at home, together with weekly readings and collects, from this website – they are posted regularly on the News and notices page.

Praying Together

Monthly. Every Second Tuesday at for 45 mins
St Andrew's Presteigne
Broad Street Presteigne, LD8 2AF, United Kingdom

Please join us at 11.00 in St Andrew's for half an hour of quiet reflection, with coffee afterwards if you would like to stay. These sessions usually take place on the second Tuesday of the month.

St Andrew's Coffee Morning

In January, February, March, April, May, June, October, November, December. Every Second Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Andrew's Presteigne
Broad Street Presteigne, LD8 2AF, United Kingdom

Roll up, roll up! Do come along to St Andrew's Church Hall and join us for refreshments and conversation, a small selection of things to buy and the all-important raffle, in aid of church funds. The hall is in the churchyard opposite the west end door of the church, between the bottom of St David's St/Church St and the bottom of Broad St / The Scallions. Depending on the weather the coffee morning will take place either in the courtyard or in the hall. We ask you to be aware of social distancing and to sanitise your hands on arrival, but otherwise our popular coffee mornings are very much back to normal and everyone is very welcome to attend.

Palm Sunday Churches Together Service

for 1 hour
St Andrew's Presteigne
Broad Street Presteigne, LD8 2AF, United Kingdom

Our Churches Together Service for Presteigne on Palm Sunday, 13 April, will be preceded by a short Prayer Walk beginning at the Baptist Chapel in hereford STreet at 10.30 am, and pausing for prayer at various locations on the way to St Andrew's.

Maundy Thursday Service

for 1 hour
St Michael's Discoed
St Michael's Discoed, Discoed, Powys, LD8 2NW

We will mark Maundy Thursday with a short, simple service of Holy Communion at Discoed, reflecting the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples.
[Image: The Last Supper by Charles McCarthy, created for The Friends of St Michael's Discoed in 2015]

Good Friday service, Lingen

for 1 hour
St Michael and All Angels, Lingen
St Michael and All Angels, Lingen, Lingen, Bucknell, SY7 0DY

Readings, prayers and a meditation, remembering Jesus Christ's arrest, trial and crucifixion

Good Friday service, Presteigne

for 1 hour
St Andrew's Presteigne
Broad Street Presteigne, LD8 2AF, United Kingdom

Readings, prayers and meditation remembering Jesus Christ's arrest, trial and crucifixion

Easter Sunday Holy Communion, Knill

for 1 hour
St Michael and All Angels, Knill
St Michael and All Angels, Knill, Knill, Herefordshire, LD8 2PR

Our Easter Sunday service at Knill is a traditional service using the Book of Common Prayer

[Image: The Empty Tomb, Hereford Cathedral]

Easter Sunday Holy Communion, Lingen

for 1 hour
St Michael and All Angels, Lingen
St Michael and All Angels, Lingen, Lingen, Bucknell, SY7 0DY

Our Easter Sunday celebration of Holy Communion at Lingen uses contemporary language from the Common Worship service book. Everyone is welcome to join us on this special mornking to proclaim that Christ is Risen.

Easter Sunday Choral Holy Communion, Presteigne

for 1 hour
St Andrew's Presteigne
Broad Street Presteigne, LD8 2AF, United Kingdom

Our Easter Day celebration of Holy Communion will feature music led by our choir. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Easter Sunday Holy Communion, Discoed

for 1 hour
St Michael's Discoed
St Michael's Discoed, Discoed, LD8 2PR

Our Easter Day celebration of Holy Commmunion at Discoed takes place in the evening and uses the contemporary language of the Common Worship service book. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

for 2 hours
St Andrew's Presteigne
Broad Street Presteigne, LD8 2AF, United Kingdom

If you regularly attend St Andrew's or St Michael's Discoed, please join us for our Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meetings; a chance to hear about how the church is run, how we maintain our beautiful historic buildings, how we manage our finances and charitable giving, and our plans for future activities. This is also the occasion when we elect our Church Wardens and members of our Parish Church Council, who make the decisions on our behalf in collaboration with our clergy, and our representatives to the Kington and Weobley Deanery Synod. The evening begins with a glass of wine before the start of business at 7.30 pm. We'd love you to come along!
(NB In order to vote in the elections you need to be registered on our Electoral Roll. In accordance with the Church of England's rules, a new roll has to be compiled from scratch every six years, and we are currently in the process of doing that for 2025. Forms can be found in St Andrew's and St Michael's; if you would like to be included on the new roll, please do fill one in and leave it in the envelope provided or give it to a welcomer if you are attending a service.)