Dear Friends Please find elsewhere on this page your copy of the Collect and Readings for this Sunday – the Tenth Sunday after Trinity. As you know, we are now holding weekly services in our Group of Parishes – every Sunday at 11 in Presteigne and on the first and third Sundays in the month at 9.30 in Lingen. Our services so far have been really well attended and it’s been lovely to meet in worship again with so many friends. I know we’ve all missed being together. I’m very much aware though that there are some who don’t feel they can join us in church just yet and, if this applies to you, please be assured I’m eager to keep in touch with you and keep sending the readings and services through if you would like to receive them.I’ll keep going as long as they’re needed and appreciated!That said, if you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please let me know and I’ll cross you off the list. Those who are attending church services now have to wear face coverings (unless they are exempt from doing so). I know this is an unwelcome development for many of us - and we understand entirely if that makes attendance more difficult for some – but we have no choice in the matter and we’re trying to think of it as an expression of kindness and consideration for others in the congregation. You might like to know that the new Bishop of Hereford, Richard Jackson, will be visiting St Andrew’s on the first day of a whistle-stop Prayer Pilgrimage of the Diocese on Saturday 29th August at 3pm.If you’d like to join us in church for a few minutes of prayer together, or would like to be praying at home at the same time, that would be great. Keep safe and well Stephen
Services in the Presteigne group of parishes next Sunday 16 August (Trinity 10) are as follows:9.30 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Lingen11.00 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) PresteignePlease be aware that masks/face-covering are required for everyone attending our services, unless there is a particular reason why you are unable to wear one. Please bring your own, though we do have a few spares at each church in case anyone forgets.Seating continues to be socially distanced, and we ask you to make use of the hand sanitisers provided when you enter the church and on your way out. Thank you so much for bearing with all these measures which we hope will help to keep us all safe.
Dear Friends This note comes with my very best wishes and the Readings and Collect for the Sixth Sunday after Trinity for use with the Morning Service for saying at home – or any other service, for that matter! On the subject of services, I’m delighted to be able to report that we’ll be holding a Service of Holy Communion (from the Book of Common Prayer) this Sunday – 19th July – at 11am in St Andrew’s Presteigne. It won’t be what we’re used to – we’re not allowed to sing, there will be hand sanitizer at the door,two-metre distancing regulations will be in force, there can be no wine at communion, no refreshments afterwards, and our post-service mingling will be out in the churchyard. It will seem very strange at first, but we’ll get the hang of it. I’ll give you all the instructions you need at the start of the service, but I should perhaps say now that if you are attending with others from your own household or ‘bubble’ you may move a chair and sit together. Otherwise, we must all maintain two-metre distancing at all times. Everyone is very welcome, of course, (from any of our churches) but I realise that some members will still be ‘shielding’ and others won’t feel ready to join us yet. Please don’t feel under any obligation to come if you’re not comfortable with the idea, but I’m really looking forward to joining the congregation on Sunday – however big or small it might be – and we will be thinking of those who can’t be with us for whatever reason. Keep safe and well!SteveRev Steve Hollinghurst
Dear FriendsFollowing the announcement by the Welsh Government that church services may recommence, we’re going to be holding a service of Holy Communion (from the Prayer Book) in St Andrew’s Presteigne this coming Sunday – 19 July – at 11am.It will not quite be what we’re used to – there can be no singing, the seating is 2-metre distanced (though members of the same household can sit together), we’ll be using disposable service sheets, and all necessary hygiene precautions will be in place – but it will be a joy to welcome everyone who wants (and feels able) to come.If you would like more details of our precautions, please get in touch with me, but rest assured we are following all the required procedures and doing everything we can to keep our congregation safe.With every best wishSteve