Collect and Epistle Bible Sunday 2024.docx

11.00 Morning Prayer (BCP) Presteigne

6.30 Holy Communion (CW) Discoed

NB The clocks go back overnight! Make sure you don't arrive an hour early.

Collect and Gospel Trinity 21 2024.docx

9.30 Holy Communion (CW) Lingen

11.00 Holy Communion (BCP) Presteigne

Collect and Reading Trinity 20 2024.docx

9.15 Holy Communion (BCP) Knill

11.00 Harvest Thanksgiving Lingen

11.00 Holy Communion (CW) Presteigne

Collect and Gospel Trinity 19 2024.docx

9.30 Holy Communion (CW) Lingen

11.00 Harvest Thanksgiving Presteigne