Church services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes on Sunday 19 March

Reading_and_Collect_Lent_4_and_Mothering_Sunday_2022.docx Download

Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes next Sunday 19 March (Lent 4 and Mothering Sunday) are as follows:

9.30 Morning Service (Common Worship: contemporary language) Lingen

11.00 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer: traditional language) Presteigne

Everyone is very welcome to attend either of these services. If you are unable to do so in Person, you may find the appropriate Collects and Readings for downloading to use at home elsewhere on this page.

Don’t forget about our services of Compline at St Michael’s, Discoed at 7 pm every Thursday in Lent. These are quiet, contemplative services of prayer, lasting just 15 minutes.