Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes on Sunday 21 August (Trinity 10)

Collect_and_a_Reading_for_Sunday_21_August.docx Download

Services in the Presteigne group of Parishes this Sunday 21 August (Trinity 10) are as follows

9.30 Morning Service (Common Worship: modern language) Lingen

11.00 Morning Service (Common Worship: modern language) Presteigne

6.30 Holy Communion (Common Worship: modern language) Discoed

All are welcome, and we now have very few Covid-related restrictions, but please be aware that others may have concerns and respect their desire for a measure of social distancing. We are offering both bread and wine at Communion, but if you prefer not to receive the wine simply return to your seat after you have received the wafer.

If you cannot join us inperson, you can find the Collect for the day and a reading elsewhere on this page