Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes on Sunday 7 August (Trinity 8)

Collect_and_Reading_for_Sunday_7_August.docx Download

Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes on Sunday 7 August (Trinity 8) are as follows:

8.00 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer: traditional language) Presteigne

9.30 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer: traditional language) Lingen

11.00 Morning Prayer (Book of Common Prayer: traditional language) Presteigne

Everyone is welcome to attend any of these services and most of our Covid precautions have been dropped, although we would still ask people to be mindful of other people’s concerns and observe a measure of distancing. Those who are not comfortable receiving communion wine from the common cup may prefer to receive the wafer only and then return to their seats.

You can find a Collect and Reading for the day elsewhere on this page.