Presteigne Praying Together in our Churches

Praying Together in the Presteigne Group of Churches

We invite you to join us in each of our churches in turn, to pray for our local communities, and for the world, and to feel God's presence with us. Each session starts at 11 am and you may come and go as you please. The dates and places are as follows:

St Andrew's Presteigne Tuesday 21 June

St Michael's Discoed Tuesday 28 June

All Saints Kinsham Tuesday 5 July

St Michael's Knill Tuesday 12 July

St Michael's Lingen Tuesday 19 July

All are very welcome to attend. This is an initiative run by the Kington and Weobley benefice, of which Presteigne is a part, and each benefice or group of churches in the deanery has been running similar sessions over the past few weeks, praying for one another as well as for their own communities.

[PHOTO: Shutterstock]