Presteigne Platinum Jubilee Flower Festival

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Events in Presteigne to mark the Platinum Jubilee of HM The Queen include a Flower Festival in St Andrew’s Church, organised by the Presteigne and Borders Floral Art Society. The church will be full of glorious displays, arranged by local organisations on two themes: Queen Elizabeth’s long life and reign, and recycling. Entry is free, and there will be musical performances at various points during the four days of the festival. The church will be open from 10 am to 4 pm on Thursday 2, Friday 3 and Saturday 4 June, and from 2 to 4 on Sunday 5 June. Refreshments will be served in St Andrew’s Church Hall, on the opposite side of the churchyard from the hall, while the exhibition is open.

On the morning of Sunday 5 June there will be a special Jubilee Festival Service at 11 am, which all are very welcome to attend.