Palm Sunday and Holy Week Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes

10 April 9.30 Holy Communion Kinsham

10 April 10.30/11.00 Palm Sunday service, procession and Holy Communion starting at Presteigne Baptist Church and moving to St Andrew's, Presteigne, led by the Very Rev Michael Tavinor

14 April 7.30 Maundy Thursday service, Discoed

A short, simple, thoughtful service of Holy Communion, reflecting the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples

15 April 12 noon Good Friday service, Lingen

15 April 7.30 Good Friday service, Presteigne

Both of the Good Friday services consist of readings, prayers amd meditation, remembering the arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

Everyone is welcome to attend any of these service marking this most special week in the Church's calendar.

[PHOTO: The Last Supper, Wincanton Parish Church, Dorset]