Palm Sunday in the Presteigne Group of Parishes 10 April

Reading_and_Collect_for_Palm_Sunday_2022.docx Download

We are doing something a bit different in Presteigne this Palm Sunday, joining the Baptist congregation in Hereford Street for a short service led by the Very Reverend Michael Tavinor, Dean Emeritus of Hereford Cathedral, and attended by one of our clergy from St Andrew's; then we will process together down Broad Street for a Palm Sunday Communion service at St Andrew's at 11.00. Everyone is very welcome to join us for either service or both, and for the procession.

There will also be a service of Holy Communion using the modern language of the Common Worship liturgy at KInsham at 9.30 am.

If you are unable to join us in person for either of our services, you may find a Reading and Collect for Palm Sunday to use with the Service for use at Home during Lent already provided elsewhere on this page.