A message from our Rector, Rev Steve Hollinghurst about our services

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Dear Friends

As you may be aware, Covid restrictions have now been lifted in England - which means that distancing and face coverings are optional once again in our three ‘English’ churches.

When restrictions were relaxed (briefly) last year, we agreed that we should wear masks when moving around the buildings, but that these could be removed (if desired) once folk were in their seats – both for joining in the liturgy and for singing.

I think this is a sensible and cautious way to proceed, so we'll go with that for the moment in Kinsham, Lingen and Knill – keeping it all under review.

In Wales, we still face the strange inconsistency of people being allowed to dispense with masks in pubs, restaurants and night clubs, whilst still having to wear them in church services, so we must continue to wear face coverings for the moment in Presteigne and Discoed.

The Church of England now allows for members of congregations to receive the wine as well as the bread at Communion services - though, as this can only be by use of "the common cup" (ie everyone sharing the same chalice), there is a great deal of hesitancy about doing so while Omicron is still so prevalent. The decision on this rests with the Incumbent (ie. me!) and it is my strong feeling that we must, for the moment, stick with the present arrangements of only the officiating priest receiving the wine. It will be a great day when we can all share the chalice again, but this won't be for a little while yet.

May I just remind you that the time-honoured teaching of the C of E is that reception of Holy Communion in one kind – either bread or wine – is equally as effective and beneficial as receiving it in both kinds.

You can find find elsewhere on this page a Service for Use at Home and the Readings and Collect for this coming Sunday – the Fourth Sunday before Lent.

The Service will take you up to Lent - at which point there will be a new one to match the Season.

I hope this finds you safe and well.

With every good wish and prayer
