Services in the Presteigne group of parishes on Sunday 16 January

Collect_and_Readings_Epiphany_2_2022.docx Download

Services in the Presteigne group of parishes on Sunday 16 January (Epiphany 2) are as follows:

9.30 Morning Service (Common Worship: modern language) Lingen

11.00 Morning Prayer (Book of Common Prayer: traditional language) Presteigne

6.30 Holy Communion (Common Worship: modern language) Discoed

Please be aware that face coverings must be worn throughout all services, unless you are exempt, and you are requested to observe the arrangements for social distancing and hand sanitising. Thank you!

If you are unable to join us in person, you can find the Collect and readings for the day, to be used in conjunction with the short service for Epiphany previously provided, elsewhere on this page.

[PHOTO: St Michael and All Angels, Lingen]