NEW Holy Communion at St Andrew's Sunday 19 December

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<div>Despite the  cancellation of our carol service due to the worsening Covid situation, we have decided to hold a service of Holy Communion at 11 in St Andrew's tomorrow morning (Sunday 19th) and you are very welcome to join us.</div><div>To help mitigate any risks - even though we will be a much smaller gathering than we would have been at the Carol Service - we will be asking those attending to avoid mingling inside the church, to increase their social distancing back to two metres and to be extra careful with face coverings and sanitizing.</div><div>But it's Sunday! We are not locked down! We feel we should offer a service – even if it's not the one we had planned.</div><div>If you'd like to come to it and feel comfortable in doing so, it would be lovely to see you.</div><div>PLEASE PASS THE WORD AROUND!</div>