Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes on Sunday 14 November

Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes on Sunday 14 November are as follows:

9.00 Remembrance Service Kinsham

10.50 Remembrance Service Presteigne

Please note the time of the service in Presteigne, which will begin in time to mark the two minutes’ silence at 11.00. Everyone is welcome to attend these services.

Please also note that the wearing of face coverings throughout the service unless you are exempt is requested at Kinsham, where we follow the more relaxed English rules but are keen to make sure everyone feels safe coming to church; and is compulsory at St Andrew’s, Presteigne, in accordance with Welsh Government regulations.

However, we are permitted to sing hymns. Anyone who has not been attending church regularly since Covid regulations were introduced may find it helpful to be aware that singing in a mask seems to be easier if you wear the blue NHS-style disposable masks rather than a heavy fabric one.

If you are unable to join us in person, you can find A Short service for Use at Home on Remembrance Sunday elsewhere on this page, where you will also find the Readings and Collect for the second Sunday before Advent if you prefer not to mark Reemebrance Sunday.