Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes on Pentecost Sunday, 23 May

A_Short_Service_for_Use_at_Home_at_Pentecost.docx Download

We have two services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes this Sunday, 23 May – Pentecost Sunday.

9.30 Holy Communion (Common Worship – modern language) Kinsham

11.00 Holy Communion (Common Worship -modern language) Presteigne

All the Covid regulations still apply, sadly, except that we may now talk to one another outside the church buildings. Everyone must wear a face covering during the service unless they are exempt.

A small, distanced choir will sing during the service at Presteigne, but congregational singing is still not permitted.

If you are unable to join us in person, you will find a short service for use at home, complete with the Collect and Readings, elsewhere on this page.