Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes this Sunday 2 April (Palm Sunday)

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Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes this Sunday 2 April (Palm Sunday) are as follows:

8.00 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer: traditional language) Presteigne

9.30 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer: traditional language) Lingen

11.00 Holy Communion (Common Worship: modern language) Presteigne

As last year, Dean Michael Tavinor will lead a Palm Sunday prayer walk from the Baptist Church in Hereford Street to St Andrew’s, pausing for reflection at several points along the walk. Do join him at the Baptist Church at 10.30 am; the group will arrive at St Andrew’s in time for the start of the 11 am service.

If you are unable to join us in perrson, you can find a Service for Use at Home on Palm Sunday, including the Collect and Readings, elsewhere on this page.