Holy Week and Easter Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes13 April Palm Sunday11.00 Churches Together Service St Andrew’s Presteigne Preceded by a Prayer Walk beginning at the Baptist Church, Hereford Street at 10.3017 April Maundy Thursday7.30 Holy Communion at St Michael’s DiscoedA short, simple service remembering the Last Supper shared by Jesus Christ with his disciples18 April Good Friday12 Noon Lingen7.30 PresteigneShort, simple services remembering Jesus Christ’s arrest, trial and Crucifixion20 April Easter Day08.30 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer: traditional language) Knill09.30 Holy Communion (Common Worship: contemporary language) Lingen11.00 Choral Holy Communion (Common Worship: contemporary language) PresteigneA family celebration of Easter, with hymns led by St Andrew’s Choir18.30 Holy Communion (Common Worship: contemporary language) DiscoedEveryone is most welcome to attend any of these services.
We have just one service in the Presteigne Group of Parishes next Sunday, 30 March (Lent 4):11.00 Songs of Praise on Mothering Sunday Presteigne Everyone is very welcome to join us on this special day.If you are unable to join us in person, you can find elsewhere on this page a Collect and Reading for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, together with a reflection on the reading by oour Rector, Revd Stephen Hollinghurst, which also includes a postscript relating the reading to Mothering Sunday. You are very welcome to download these for use at home with the service for Lent provided a few weeks ago.[Photo: William Nutter, 1795 / Yale Institute of British Art /Wikimedia Commons]
Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes this Sunday 23 March (Lent 3) are as follows:11.00 Morning Prayer (Book of Common Prayer: traditional language) Presteigne6.30 Holy Communion (Common Worship: contemporary language) DiscoedEveryone is very welcome to join us, but if you can't do so in person, you will find the Collect for the day, an Old Testament reading and a Pause for Thought about the reading from our Rector, the Revd Stephen Hollinghurst, elsewhere on this page.
PARISH OF ST ANDREW’S PRESTEIGNE with ST MICHAEL’S DISCOEDPREPARATION OF NEW CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL 2025The Church of England’s Church Representation Rules require that every six years a new Electoral Roll is prepared from scratch for each church/ parish. 2025 is one of those years!This means that even if you are already on our Electoral Roll, whether you were registered on the last new compilation in 2019 or have been added within the last year, you MUST fill in a new form and return it to our Electoral Roll Officer, Clare Stevens, in order to be included in the 2025 roll.You can find the registration forms at the back of both St Andrew’s and St Michael’s churches, or do ask the welcomers on duty at services to give you one. Criteria for inclusion are explained on the back of the forms.If you attend either of our churches regularly, please do put yourself on the Electoral Roll. Keeping track of our numbers of church members is really helpful in all our dealings with the Diocese of Hereford, such as agreeing the amount we pay for our Parish Offer and the support for our activities we can request from them. In addition, you have to be on the Electoral Roll in order to vote in the elections for our Church Wardens, Parish Church Council and Deanery Synod members, which take place at our Annual Parochial Church Meeting – this year’s will be held on Wednesday 14 May, at 7.30 pm in St Andrew’s (with drinks beforehand from 7 pm).Admission to the new Electoral Roll closes on Friday 25 April, ready for publication on Sunday 27 April.Please put completed forms in the envelope to be found in church, give them to one of our welcomers at a service, or return them directly to:Clare Stevens, The Vine, 7 St David’s Street, Presteigne, LD8 2BP(letterbox in green door/gate on the corner of St David’s Street / Church Street)Feel free to email her with any questions: Clare.Stevens@me.com