
in St Peter's Church, Peterstow and other churches in our Benefice:

9th February: 4th Sunday before Lent
9:30 How Caple Holy Eucharist BCP
9:30 Sellack Bible Study and Prayer
11:15 Foy Holy Eucharist BCP
11:15 Sollers Hope Matins BCP
15:30 Peterstow Evensong BCP

16th February: 3rd Sunday before Lent
9:30 Bridstow Holy Eucharist CW
9:30 Peterstow Morning Prayer CW
11:15 Sollers Hope Holy Eucharist BCP

23rd February: 2nd Sunday before Lent
9:30 Sellack Holy Eucharist CW
10:00 Kings Caple Old School Messy Church
11:15 Bridstow Holy Eucharist BCP
11:15 How Caple Matins BCP with Hereford Church Singers

2nd March: Sunday next before Lent
9:30 How Caple Matins BCP
9:30 Peterstow Holy Eucharist CW
11:15 Bridstow Morning Prayer CW
11:15 Kings Caple Holy Eucharist CW

11:00 Sellack Holy Eucharist CW with ashing
19:00 Sollers Hope Holy Eucharist BCP with ashing

9th March: Lent 1
9:30 How Caple Holy Eucharist BCP
9:30 Sellack Bible Study and Prayer
11:15 Foy Holy Eucharist BCP
11:15 Sollers Hope Matins BCP
15:30 Peterstow Evensong BCP

16th March: Lent 2
9:30 Bridstow Holy Eucharist CW
9:30 Peterstow Morning Prayer CW
11:15 How Caple Matins BCP
11:15 Sollers Hope Holy Eucharist BCP

Wednesday 19th March 2025
7pm in Kings Caple Church Licencing of Revd Canon Laura Hewitt as Rector of the StowCaple group of parishes

23rd March: Lent 3
11:00 Bridstow Benefice Holy Eucharist CW

30th March: Lent 4
9:30 Sellack Holy Eucharist CW
10:00 Kings Caple Old School Messy Church
11:15 Bridstow Holy Eucharist BCP
11:15 Fawley Chapel Holy Eucharist BCP