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Neen Sollars: All Saints
All Saints, Neen Sollars, is one of the churches in the Cleobury Mortimer Benefice which consists of Cleobury Mortimer with Hopton Wafers, Neen Sollars and Milson, Neen Savage with Kinlet and Doddington.
The usual pattern of services is an informal service of Village Worship at 11 am on the first three Sundays of every month, and Holy Communion on the fourth Sunday of the month also at 11 am, but there are occasional variations. A full list of services across the whole group of churches can be found on 'Service updates' on the main menu.
Everyone is welcome at services in any of our churches.
Cleobury Mortimer: St Mary the Virgin
St. Mary The Virgin, Cleobury Mortimer is one of the churches in the Cleobury Mortimer Benefice, which consists of Cleobury Mortimer with Hopton Wafers, Neen Sollars and Milson, Neen Savage with Kinlet and Doddington.
The usual pattern of services is Holy Communion with hymns at 10:00 am every Sunday, a Family Service on the first Sunday of the month, and on the second Sunday of every month there is a said Holy Communion at 8:30 am. A full list of services across the whole group of churches can be found on the Benefice site. You can also download our weekly pew sheet from the News and Notices page of the Benefice site.
Everyone is welcome at services at any of our churches.
Kinlet: St John the Baptist
St John the Baptist, Kinlet, is a traditional village church of Norman origin, set in the grounds of Kinlet Hall. All services are taken from the Book of Common Prayer (1662). It is a notable building, much enlarged from its original size, and of cruciform shape. Distinguished by the fine monuments to the Blount family in the chancel and north transept, it has a chapel dedicated to St Katherine of Alexandria in the south transept.
St John the Baptist, Kinlet, is one of the churches in the Cleobury Mortimer Benefice which consists of Cleobury Mortimer with Hopton Wafers, Neen Sollars and Milson, Neen Savage with Kinlet and Doddington.
The usual pattern of services is Holy Communion on the second Sunday of every month at 11:15 am, and Evening Prayer on the fourth Sunday of every month at 6 pm, but there are occasional variations. A full list of services across the whole group of churches can be found on 'Service updates' on the main menu.
Everybody is welcome to any of our services in any of the churches in the benefice.
Hopton Wafers: St Michael & All Angels
St Michael and All Angels, Hopton Wafers, is one of the churches in the Cleobury Mortimer Benefice which consists of Cleobury Mortimer with Hopton Wafers, Neen Sollars and Milson, Neen Savage with Kinlet and Doddington.
The usual pattern of services is Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays of every month at 9:30 am, but there are occasional variations. A full list of services across the whole group of churches can be found on 'Service updates' on the main menu.
Everyone is welcome at services in any of our churches.
Milson: St George
St George's, Milson, is one of the churches in the Cleobury Mortimer Benefice which consists of Cleobury Mortimer with Hopton Wafers, Neen Sollars and Milson, Neen Savage with Kinlet and Doddington.
The usual pattern of services is Evening Prayer on the first Sunday of every month at 6:00 pm, and Holy Communion on the third Sunday of every month at 11:00 am, but there are occasional variations. A full list of services across the whole group of churches can be found on 'Service updates' on the main menu.
Everyone is welcome at services in any of our churches.
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