Groups and Activities

There are a number of groups involved in a range of activities across the Benefice. You can find out more and how to get in touch with them below.

Pastoral Care Group

A confidential listening service for the whole community. Members of the Pastoral Care Team will be happy to listen, support, visit you, help by prayer or by putting you in touch with those who might be able to assist. If you would like a home visit or know someone who would, just let the Group or a member of the clergy know by telephoning Liz Smith on 01299 489135 or getting in touch with the Parish Office on 01299 272916.

Drop In at St. Mary's 

The Drop In takes place every Thursday 10-11.30am at St. Mary's, Cleobury Mortimer and is an opportunity to relax, chat, and enjoy a free cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Mothers' Union

The Mothers' Union meet on the third Thursday of every month, usually in each members' homes. The are also occasional services of Holy Communion at St Mary's Place. Everyone is welcome to attend any of the meetings, which are always shown in the pew sheet. For further details, please contact Heather Birch on 01299 270035.

Friends of St. Mary's 

The Friends’ group was formed to raise funds to help maintain, repair, restore and preserve the St. Mary's, Cleobury Mortimer church building and its fabric for the benefit of the community and future generations. It is a registered charity (No: EW16294) run by volunteers. For further information see their website

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club meets at 7.25am on the second Tuesday of the month, except for January and August, at various venues in the town. After a cooked or continental breakfast there is a short talk, often by a visiting speaker, and the session ends at 8.30. Due to capacity at the venues, please contact Angela Drennan on 01299 270636 to see if there are spaces available.


The bellringers ring the bells again St. Mary's, Cleobury Mortimer before the Sunday morning service each week, from 9.25 till 9.55am, and practise on Tuesdays between 7pm and 8.30pm. The group are always pleased to welcome new members, whether experienced ringers on those wishing to learn. For further information, please contact Ed Lupton on 01299 832622.

Open the Book

Open the Book is a three year rolling programme of dramatised Bible stories presented by teams of volunteers, free of charge, to primary schools. Volunteers present Bible stories in an accessible and enjoyable way and provide a resource that assists schools in meeting collective worship obligations. In 2013 Open the Book became part of the Bible Society.