This week's electronic newsletter from Hereford Diocese can be found HERE.
As the weather gets colder, and energy costs remain high, spare a thought for all those living in our town who have to manage on Universal Credit or a pre-payment meter. If you have received a Winter Fuel Payment, please consider donating some (or even all) of it to Ludlow Fuel Poverty Fund, which is managed by Ludlow Food Bank. The details of the account are: Ludlow Baptist Church (a business account), Sort Code: 40-30-30, Account No. 01274554. Through this Fund, we have already helped more than 40 people this year, and I know just how grateful they are.
Dear Friends,As I sit to write this article it is already the first Sunday of Lent, even though we are only in the middle of February. There are sign of Spring appearing, with snowdrops, daffodils and crocuses beginning to add much loved and missed colour to our Gardens. Lent is obviously early this year as Easter is early, 31st March and elsewhere in the magazine you will find details of all our Holy Week and Easter services.But what is Lent? Traditionally it is a period of time reflecting on the time that Jesus spent in the Wilderness. For the Christian Church, it is a time of self reflection, abstinence, such as giving something up or Fasting, penitence, saying sorry to God for the things we have done that are wrong and generally using the time to draw closer to God. It is seen as a solemn season, a time of stripping things back so that we can focus on our relationship with God, and therefore we don’t have flowers in Church during Lent reminding us of the time in the Wilderness but I also think it helps us to really appreciate the beauty of Creation when we see the glorious colours of our Easter flowers.As I have said many people give something up for Lent but for many years now I like to take something on. This year I have decided to reflect on the Lord’s prayer and I have devised a little card to help me with this reflection, that I share with you below. Please do feel free to use it if you would like to and if anybody would like a printed copy, please do let me know.Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy nameSpend some time each day focussing on God and praising him for all that he had done in your lifeThy Kingdom comeAsk God to show you ways in which he is at work in the worldThy will be done on earth as it is in HeavenAsk God to show you His will for your life todayGive us this day our daily bread.Thank God for all that he provides and pray for all those who struggle to find enough to eat. Pray for the work of the local Food Bank and for all those who strive to feed the hungry.Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.Keep short accounts with God, ask forgiveness for that which needs to be forgiven and ask God to show you how to forgive those you need to forgive.And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.Ask God for protection and strength to stand up against injustice within the world.For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen.With my love and prayers for a blessed Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Lynn
At Remembrancetide, Archdeacon Fiona Gibson's thoughts are with those living with memories of war. Read her message HERE.