Related Churches
St Andrew's Presteigne
St Andrew’s is the Church of England Parish Church for Presteigne. There has been a church building on the site for over 1000 years. This ancient place of prayer is open to visitors as much as possible. The benefice or group of churches also includes St Michael's, Discoed; All Saints', Kinsham; St Michael and All Angels', Knill; and St Michael and All Angels', Lingen.
Presteigne and Discoed are in Powys, Wales; Kinsham, Knill and Lingen are in England, but all our churches belong to the Church of England Diocese of Hereford.
Rector: The Revd Prebendary Stephen Hollinghurst
Associate Minister: The Reverend Debbie VenablesOur main Sunday morning service is generally at 11 am.
The style of that service varies from short informal family services to Holy Communion from Common Worship or the Book of Common Prayer. Visitors are always welcome. Covid-19 restrictions have eased, but we will continue to follow guidance from the UK and Welsh governments and the Church of England on mask-wearing, social distancing, etc. Details of all services can be found on notice boards in the church porch and by the Broad Street gate; and in the Parish Magazine.We are an inclusive church and extend a welcome to everyone in the name of Jesus Christ.
St Michael & All Angels, Knill
St Michael and All Angels is the parish church for the small hamlet of Knill in Herefordshire, one of the rare 'Thankful Villages' where anyone who enlisted to serve in the First World War returned. Everyone is very welcome to attend any of our services, which take place once or twice a month, usually at 9.15 am. We are part of the Presteigne benefice and if there is no service taking place at St Michael's you are welcome to attend any of the other churches in our group.
All Saints
St Michael
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