About Us
We are a small though enthusiastic congregation that meets for services twice a month, usually a communion service on the first Sunday of the month and a service of the Word on the third Sunday. Our fundraising activites, particularly our summer teas, are enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. The church has a side chapel which can be turned into a community space when needed.
The origins of the church date back before Norman times, and the unique interior of the church, with its dressed stonework and attractive windows, provides a wonderful atmosphere for quiet prayer or worship. An annual tradition that has recently been revived is the Guinea Service, at which a guest speaker is invited to give a sermon and the congregation votes to decide whether the preacher has earned the Guinea.
The earliest structural fabric of the present church (HSM 1705), the north wall of the nave, is dated to the late 11th or early 12th century. Architectural features of the north wall include an external string course of tufa, and internal 'herring-bone' work. The nave appears to have been reconstructed during the middle of 12th century. The chancel was also constructed or rebuilt at this time, and was lengthened in the late 13th century. The south transept was added c. 1330, and the north tower was begun soon after. The timber framed top stage of the tower, with its plain boarding and pyramidal roof, was probably constructed in the 17th century. The south porch, constructed of wood with stone footings, is modern. The church was restored in 1883 (RCHME, 1934).