Facilities and features
Toilets available for services and other church events, not open on a daily basis. There are public toilets are available on The Grange (recreation park), 5 mins walk from the Priory.
Toilets available for services and other church events, not open on a daily basis.
Assistance dogs welcome.
Our Building
Music and Worship
Bell ringing is thursday evenings. New members welcome. http://www.hdgb.org/
Our Choir meets to sing on Wednesday evenings. New members welcome.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Our team churches take turns to host a weekly coffee morning and cake stall every friday from 10am -12 at the Forbury Chapel, Church Street. Everyone very welcome.
We have a holiday club during the first week of the summer holidays for 100 children aged 5-11. You need to pre-book. Forms are available mid April.
Messy Church is once a month on a Thursday from 4-6pm. We have crafts and activities around a Bible story and eat a meal together at the end. Messy Church is for all ages. Children must bring an adult with them.
We normally meet on the 3rd Thursday each month from 2.30pm in the Forbury Chapel, Church Street.
Help for Visitors
We are usually open from 9am until 4pm every day.
We are an inclusive church where everyone is welcome.
"We believe in inclusive Church - church which does not discriminate, on any level,
on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race or sexuality.
We believe in Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ;
which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation;
and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ."
Other Features
We support and volunteer for Leominster Community Larder. Collection points for donations can be found at the Co-op, Aladdins and Leominster Community Centre.