Parish of Wigmore Vision Morning (for all from across every one of our congregations)

for 3 hours, 30 mins
Brampton Bryan Parish Hall
Brampton Bryan, Bucknell, SY7 0DH

This is for a Parish wide ‘Vision Morning” PLEASE HOLD THIS DATE and COME!
Plans are still at an early stage, but please make a mark in your calendar or diary!
Everyone from across all our churches is encouraged to participate.

Details of the morning: After gathering for refreshments and conversation, the programme will focus on us looking to the future together - by listening to God in worship and prayer; listening to the participants from each church and encouraging discussion about what you most value and celebrate about your church community.

As this Parish Vision Morning is about hoping and praying for our future growth with God, we are inspired by Jesus’s parables in Mark 4: 26-34 about a seed growing - quietly, day in day out - into a full head of grain and about a tiny mustard seed growing into a large tree of many branches offering welcome, shade and shelter to many.

So, we hope to listen to, hear and allow you to discern and share your priorities, hopes and plans. This would help us to then discern how we can best support and equip each, and all, of our churches to grow and flourish - both individually and together. The Revd Dr Elizabeth Wild, Diocesan Director of Mission and Ministry and Adrian Thompson, as your Priest-in-Charge, will co-leaders of this event.

Leintwardine: St Mary Magdalene

There are services hosted across the multi-church Parish of Wigmore Abbey. Everyone is welcome to attend any service in any of our churches across the Parish, which are hosting worship any particular week. The Parish services are led by members of our team of Worship Leaders, which includes Revd Adrian Thompson, our Priest-in-Charge, self-supporting ministers, Revd Lizzy Womack and Revd Lucy Thompson, our C of E Readers and some Lay Worship Leaders. We are also thankful for some support from retired clergy. Our hope and prayer is that, through our welcome and you joining in our Christian worship, you will encounter God, in ways which both bless you and equip you to bless others in your own neighbourhood and beyond. 

Get in touch

Revd Adrian Thompson

The Rectory, Watling Street
Leintwardine, Craven Arms, Herefordshire

Priest-in-Charge, Wigmore Abbey Parish
+441547 540783

Our website

What's on

Parish of Wigmore Vision Morning (for all from across every one of our congregations)

for 3 hours, 30 mins
Brampton Bryan Parish Hall
Brampton Bryan, Bucknell, SY7 0DH

This is for a Parish wide ‘Vision Morning” PLEASE HOLD THIS DATE and COME!
Plans are still at an early stage, but please make a mark in your calendar or diary!
Everyone from across all our churches is encouraged to participate.

Details of the morning: After gathering for refreshments and conversation, the programme will focus on us looking to the future together - by listening to God in worship and prayer; listening to the participants from each church and encouraging discussion about what you most value and celebrate about your church community.

As this Parish Vision Morning is about hoping and praying for our future growth with God, we are inspired by Jesus’s parables in Mark 4: 26-34 about a seed growing - quietly, day in day out - into a full head of grain and about a tiny mustard seed growing into a large tree of many branches offering welcome, shade and shelter to many.

So, we hope to listen to, hear and allow you to discern and share your priorities, hopes and plans. This would help us to then discern how we can best support and equip each, and all, of our churches to grow and flourish - both individually and together. The Revd Dr Elizabeth Wild, Diocesan Director of Mission and Ministry and Adrian Thompson, as your Priest-in-Charge, will co-leaders of this event.