Spoken matins

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 30 mins
How Caple: St Andrew w St Mary
Pilgrims' Way How Caple Hereford, HR1 4SX, United Kingdom

Spoken matins led by Anthony Thompson, Church of England Reader. This short service is from the historic Book of Common Prayer, repository of some of the greatest phrases in English literature.

Gardening work party

Every Friday at for 2 hours
How Caple: St Andrew w St Mary
Pilgrims' Way How Caple Hereford, HR1 4SX, United Kingdom

Every Friday between 10am and noon, weather permitting, Hilda Lee and the Friends of How Caple church set to work on the churchyard, helping to transform it into a well-maintained heritage garden for the village. Everyone very welcome to join, for gardening or simply for company. Contact Hilda via [email protected] and the Friends' website is friendsofhowcaplechurch.com .

Harvest Matins and light lunch

for 1 hour
How Caple: St Andrew w St Mary
Pilgrims' Way How Caple Hereford, HR1 4SX, United Kingdom

Harvest festival matins to be taken by the Rev Nicholas Lowton. How Caple choir will be on parade. After the service we will linger for a light lunch (£5 per person), with wine/cider/lemonade, served from the Gregory chapel. This is a change from previous years and we hope the less formal arrangement will be popular. The lunch is open to everyone - even if you have not been at the service - and we hope it will be relaxed and convivial. It would be helpful to know rough numbers, so please email Verity if you think you can come ([email protected]).


In January, February, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
How Caple: St Andrew w St Mary
Pilgrims' Way How Caple Hereford, HR1 4SX, United Kingdom

Prayer Book matins with hymns and canticles and organ music. Followed by sherry.

Held on the fourth Sunday of the month

Carol service

for 1 hour
How Caple: St Andrew w St Mary
Pilgrims' Way How Caple Hereford, HR1 4SX, United Kingdom

Candlelit village carol service with traditional lessons, followed by mulled wine and mince pies. A great moment in our little church's year.