Related Churches
St Giles Chapel, Hereford
St. Giles’ Chapel has occupied its present site in St Owen Street, near the corner of Turner Street, since 1927 when it was moved from the ‘dangerous’ corner of Ledbury Road. The chapel services were held originally for the occupants of St Giles’ Almshouses. St Giles’ Chapel is a delightful gem, on St Owen’s Street, and was built to replace the original Knights Templar chapel on the site.
We are people of all walks of life with a passion for Jesus, who explore the Bible to live its truth, who are open to the Holy Spirit, who care for one another and enjoy each other’s company, who want to serve our different communities, and who have a desire to make the love of Jesus known and grow the Kingdom of God.
At present, we are not holding services at St Giles, but please feel free to join us online or at the nearby St Peter's or St James church buildings:
Online Service - 10am on Sunday
Our Sunday services have gone online! Music, sermon and prayers for an hour - released at 10am and then available anytime to watch! Watch here on YouTube
Traditional Service - 9am Sunday at St James
Join us at St James for our more traditional service together, either Holy Communion or a liturgical Service of the Word. No need to book - just come along!
Morning Worship - 10am Sunday at St Peter's
Join us at St Peter's to worship God together, in Scripture, prayer and music - with a special emphasis on opening His Word together in preaching. No need to book.
Family-friendly Service - 10:30am Sunday at St James
We're trying out something completely new at St James - something that's truly for all the family. Includes music, actions and lots of interactivity - bring your own instruments to play and flags to wave! Join us as we celebrate Jesus together! All ages very welcome indeed - no need to book, just come along!
SPSJ Kids - Online Videos - Released on Saturdays
Our weekly videos especially for children and families... including a mix of Bible stories, random characters and general craziness! Watch here on YouTube
St James Church, Hereford
St Peter’s and St James’ in Hereford is a parish with two buildings yet one family serving God together.
We are people of all walks of life with a passion for Jesus, who explore the Bible to live its truth, who are open to the Holy Spirit, who care for one another and enjoy each other’s company, who want to serve our different communities, and who have a desire to make the love of Jesus known and grow the Kingdom of God.
Online Service - 10am on Sunday
Our Sunday services have gone online! Music, sermon and prayers for an hour - released at 10am and then available anytime to watch! Watch here on YouTube
Traditional Service - 9am Sunday at St James
Join us at St James for our more traditional service together, either Holy Communion or a liturgical Service of the Word. No need to book - just come along!
Morning Worship - 10am Sunday at St Peter's
Join us at St Peter's to worship God together, in Scripture, prayer and music - with a special emphasis on opening His Word together in preaching. No need to book.
Family-friendly Service - 10:30am Sunday at St James
We're trying out something completely new at St James - something that's truly for all the family. Includes music, actions and lots of interactivity - bring your own instruments to play and flags to wave! Join us as we celebrate Jesus together! All ages very welcome indeed - no need to book, just come along!
SPSJ Kids - Online Videos - Released on Saturdays
Our weekly videos especially for children and families... including a mix of Bible stories, random characters and general craziness! Watch here on YouTube
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