About Us
We are a very welcoming Christian community, serving the parish of St. Martin with St. Francis, meeting in a well known Church on the Ross Road in the South part of Hereford City. There are historic links with the SAS regiment, including a stained glass window and special graveyard section.
A church of the South Wye Team Benefice. Worship styles vary to accommodate families and youth groups.
Eucharist is celebrated each Sunday at the main family worship at 9.30am, and on Thursday mornings at 10am.
We also offer a said Communion Service at Belmont Community Centre, on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month, at 12.30pm.
Rector: Rev. Anne Dowdeswell
Curate: Rev. Lauren Bell
website: www.stmartinshereford.org.uk
Please ring the Team Office on 01432 353717, or email: [email protected] for further information