Related Churches
Pencombe: St John
Pencombe church is set at the centre of the village in a circular graveyard, round which the road winds. We hold services twice a month in the Winter, with an early morning Holy Communion service held on the fourth Sunday of the month in Summer. It is a small village, so no shop, but there is a pub!
Ullingswick: St Luke
St Luke’s Church, Ullingswick - an old church set in a beautiful churchyard with trees and both spring and autumn cyclamen in abundance. Inside there is a 1591 painted memorial to the Hill family, in which are recorded the deaths of several young children. Most of the wood work is Victorian and the organ is very small, but works well. We have services twice a month and you are very welcome to join us.
Little Cowarne: St Guthlac
Little Cowarne church is a little church deep in a small valley in North Herefordshire, with a lovely churchyard and many trees - and the friendliest congregation you could imagine. Services are held twice a month, with special services and Feasts in addition, and you are very welcome at any time.
Collington: St Mary
Collington is small village - population around 70 - in North Herefordshire. The church is small but beautifully formed, and the welcome is warm. Services used are from the Book of Common Prayer, 8.30 am Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month and 6.30 pm Evensong on the Third Sunday. You are very welcome - and if you've been walking, there's no need to worry about "Sunday best"
Bredenbury: St Andrew
Bredenbury is a small village on the A44, so very easy to find. The church was built in the mid 19th century, and is a lovely example of a Victorian place of worship. We hold services on three Sundays a month, one early morning , and two at 10.00am. The congregation is very friendly, and will welcome you with open arms - do come along one day and see who we are.
Thornbury: St Anna
St Anna's is a beautiful 13th century church which is lovingly cared for today by the local congregation and community members. We have services twice a month, usually at 10.00 am and you are very welcome to come along too.
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