Titterstone Clee: a hill, a people and a dialect shaped by industry

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Would you nost (know) your boster (quarryman’s hammer) from your drum chatters (old potatoes)? Join us for a fascinating exploration of Clee Hill’s unique rural and industrial heritage. For anyone who has ever wondered what the strange structures on the hill might be and what life was like for this isolated working community. To complement the upcoming release of Alf’s new book, St John’s Church, Doddington is delighted to offer this illustrated talk at Clee Hill Village Hall. Alf was born and grew up on the hill and has recorded and shared its history for much of his life. Tickets are free, but numbers are limited so please book using this link: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/st-johns-church-doddington-south-shropshire/t-nommeal