A walk through Clee Hill History

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For centuries the hill has witnessed industries such as lime production, coal mining, glass and brick making, pottery and stone quarrying. These have left scars in the landscape which give it a character and arouse interest in its past. Alf Jenkins MBE will lead a walk through the evidence of industrial workings around Clee Hill Village and Dhu Stone. For anyone with an interest in the industrial and social history of this area wishing to discover more and share their own knowledge. Minibus provided to transport to start of walk. Hot drinks and an optional fish and chip lunch will be available at St John’s Church, Doddington at the end of the walk. Tickets £5, or £10 with lunch https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/booking/t-gajjmzn This is made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund, with thanks to National Lottery players.