You may have read last year about our project to improve the church – we thought we’d bring you up to date. “A window on the past – a better outlook for the future” as it is now called will still include repairs to the windows as well as adding kitchen facilities and a toilet inside the church, and installing an information area which will allow visitors to find out about the local and natural history of Titterstone Clee Hill and the local community. You might be thinking “that’s all very well, but I can’t climb those steps to get there!” - thankfully our architect has now managed to devise a path that zig-zags up one side of the graveyard (from the small gate), avoiding graves, and with a gradient suitable for those with restricted mobility or using wheelchairs or pushchairs. There is a plan in the porch at church – do go and have a look and let us know your thoughts. If you have family graves in that area, we would like to keep you up to date with progress of the project. We can be contacted by email on [email protected] or on 01584 318036, or by post to St John the Baptist, Doddington, DY14 0HL. Of course we need funding for this. We do have some in place already from several grant bodies that want to support our project, and we await news from other grant bodies from whom we hope to hear by the end of the year; and we continue to fundraise through events. If you would like to learn more, or to contribute, do contact us as above.