Facilities and features


At the cattle grid opposite the church.

On pavement c30m east of church

We now have a long, but accessible path to allow access to the church. It has a gradient of no more than 1:15 and zig-zags through our churchyard. If you stop on the way you will be rewarded with stunning views to Worcestershire, Wales and beyond.

We have a hearing loop which we use for services

Our hymn and service books are available in large print.

Assistance dogs are welcome in church

All the snacks in our biscuit jar are wrapped and we try to keep some wrapped gluten & dairy free snacks there too.

Our path is wheelchair accessible, leading to level access into the church. There are steps up to the pews.

Our Building

We have a Bronze Award and are working towards a Silver Award - come and enjoy our churchyard which is managed to help wildlife.

Grade II listed Church with Grade II listed War Memorial in the churchyard

Music and Worship

A Positive Organ - if you can tell us more about it we'd love to hear from you! Unfortunately it is not used for services, so we sing to organ recordings for our hymns.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Our Event programme includes a different event most months - see News and Calendar for more information

Help for Visitors

A brief description of the church is provided.

Other Features

We use fairtrade products where possible

The church is in Shropshire Hills National Landscape