Benefice Social and Fund Raising

Thursday 20th March - Lent Lunch at Ditton Priors Village Hall, 12.30pm.  There is no charge for entry but donations are welcome.  Please contact Marjorie Jones or the Benefice Office on 01746 599217 if you would like to join in.

Wednesday 26th March - Coffee Morning at Church House, Chetton 10.00am - 12.00noon.  Everyone welcome.  Please do come along and be part of this very social morning.

Wednesday 2nd April - Coffee Morning at The Rectory, Cleobury North 10.30am - 12.30pm.  Please do come along and support this very friendly event.  Everyone welcome.

Saturday 12th April - Easter Coffee Morning and Easter Egg Hunt at The Pavilion, Ditton Priors 11.00am - 1.00pm.  Please come and be part of this lovely event.  Refreshments, stalls and a hunt around and perhaps in! the church for eggs!

Sunday 13th April - Luncheon following the Group Holy Communion Service at Chetton.  Hosted by Charles & Lisa Gill at Church House, Chetton.  Please let Lisa or Sheila know if you would like to join.

Monday 5th May - Bridgnorth Walk Day at Ditton Priors.  Please come and cheer on all the walkers who are raising money for their amazing Charities.  Refreshments will be available in the church.

Saturday 17th May - Ditton Priors Church Fete 1.00pm - 4.00pm.  Refreshments & lots of stalls.  Do come along at this lovely afternoon at St. John the Baptist Church.

Monday 31st May - Pam's Plants, Coffee & Cakes 11.00am at St. John the Baptist Church, Ditton Priors.  Do come along and stock up your garden with Pam's wonderful plants whilst eating delicious cakes!

Saturday 14th June - Sponsored walk from Ditton Priors Church, 11.00am start.  Further details to follow!

Saturday 21st June - Neenton Duck Race. Further details to follow nearer the time!

Saturday 5th July - Pimms & Puds at The Pavilion, Ditton Priors 5.00pm - 8.00pm. Ticket details nearer the time.  An evening not to be missed!

Thursday 7th August - Burwarton Show.  Ditton Priors Refreshment Tent from 8.30am onwards.  Please come and refuel during your time at the Show.  So many delicious options and Revd Joe will be on site and is very much looking forward to meeting you.

Thursday 21st August - Teas in the Churchyard at St. John the Baptist, Ditton Priors from 3.00pm

Saturday 13th September - Shropshire Historic Churches Ride & Stride throughout the Benefice.  There will be Flowers, a Craft Fair in St. John the Baptist Church, Ditton Priors all day.  Please do let Marjorie Jones or Emma at the Benefice Office (01746 599217) know if you would like to take part.

Thursday 27th November - Lights & Carols at St. John the Baptist, Ditton Priors.  Further details to follow.

Saturday 29th November - St. John the Baptist Christmas Fair in the Pavilion, Ditton Priors starting at 11.00am.  Further details to follow.

Saturday 13th December - Punch, Pies & Carols at Ditton Priors Village Hall.  Further details to follow nearer the time!