Facilities and features


Bike rack
Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet
Accessible car parking
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

Our Building

St Mary's Church, Cusop, is open all day every day and we warmly welcome visitors!

Stained Glass

For over 15 years, we have followed the guidelines of "Caring for God's Acre" and managed our churchyard so we encourage a wide range of plant species, fungi, lichen, insects, and mammals. Stoats, hedgehogs and slow worms are amongst the animals that inhabit our churchyard as well as numerous types of birds and invertebrates. We have a band of wonderful local volunteers who regularly work in the churchyard on our special Taskforce Days.

Features of the original Norman Church can still be seen. There is Norman carving on the chancel arch and the small window to the west side of the main door is Norman. The north door is blocked but can easily be seen from outside, at the back of the church. There was once a rood loft and screen, in front of the chancel arch, but all that remains is the built-in doorway above the war memorial.

The font may date as far back as the 14th century. It is made of a single massive stone decorated with saltire crosses.The roof of the church was constructed in the 14th century. In 1961 a new bellcote was erected with six new bells. In the year 2000 a new Millennium window was designed by Nicola Hopwood and installed in the east window.

Music and Worship


Groups, Courses and Activities

We have a Bible Study Group that meets every Monday evening in people's homes.

Our Mothers' Union Group meets in Cusop Village Hall at 2.00pm on the second Tuesday of the month.

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

There is a Refreshment Table and visitors can help themselves to tea, coffee and biscuits.

We have a very popular second-hand bookstall.

The church is ALWAYS open.

Other Features

In the church there is a box for Foodbank donations.

We have meadow areas with wildflowers and encourage all wildlife in our churchyard. Brown Long-Eared Bats have made their home in the eaves of our church.