Facilities and features


Available in the church.

Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet
Ramped entrance
Wheelchair access

Our Building

Open during daylight hours

Stained Glass
Listed Building

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing

In addition to events organised by the Church, the building is available to hire for concerts. PLease contact us if you would like more information.


Groups, Courses and Activities

Study groups are organised during the year; usually at Lent and Advent time.

The Church coffee morning is held in the Village Hall (which is much warmer) on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 10am - 12noon

Help for Visitors

Open during daylight hours

Other Features

Donations to Craven Arms foodbank may be left in the church in the marked box.

Our churchyard is managed with help from the local "God's Acre" group. If it sometimes looks a little untidy, this is planned and managed for the benefit of the wildlife. We are hoping to attract the dormouse back to the churchyard by providing corridors of hedge and trees to the neighbouring areas.
In summer the porch is home to swallows and a good variety of insects have been identified.