
Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
Churchstoke: St Nicholas
Churchstoke, SY15 6AF, United Kingdom

A Youth Group for Years 7 to 12 held during term-time.
Games, food, worship, drama, prayer, chat.


Every Thursday at for 2 hours
Churchstoke: St Nicholas
Churchstoke, SY15 6AF, United Kingdom

Coffeecraft meets every Thursday morning from 10.30 to 12.30. in the coffee lounge of St Nicholas church. CoffeeCraft isn’t a club so you can come if and when you can. The cost is £2 a session and this includes light refreshments and any craft materials. At the moment we are making poppies for a waterfall display on the outside of the church for Remembrance Day,
but you can do any craft you like - drawing, painting, embroidery, knitting etc.
If you don’t want to craft you can just come for a chat and company. We are a very friendly and welcoming group.

Sunday Central & Kidz Club

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Churchstoke: St Nicholas
Churchstoke, SY15 6AF, United Kingdom

We begin with lively songs of worship. Children twirl swishers and dance in the aisles, adults and teenagers may use flags or percussion to enhance worship. Then children go to the lounge at the back of church for Kidz Klub and adults listen to a talk after which there might be optional discussion or an activity.
We have a different theme every time
Children return for ‘show and tell’ and we love to see and hear from the children
It’s great to see young and old engaging with God in different ways.

Holy Communion

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Churchstoke: St Nicholas
Churchstoke, SY15 6AF, United Kingdom

A Holy Communion Service followed by coffee and fellowship

Whole Benefice Service

Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Various venues around the Benefice - check rotas on noticeboards, Church Near You & in the Magazine
Various venues around the Benefice - check rotas on noticeboards, Church Near You & in the Magazine

Whenever we have a fifth Sunday in the month, we gather together as a Benefice for our worship.
This is often held in the Village Hall at Norbury but can be in other venues too. Keep an eye out for the next event!

Whenever there is a fifth Sunday in the month

Morning Praise & Kidz CLub

Every First Sunday at for 50 mins
Churchstoke: St Nicholas
Churchstoke, SY15 6AF, United Kingdom

Everyone comes together for worship, enjoying lively worship songs. Then the children go to the coffee lounge for a Bible story, games, songs and craft activities, rejoining us to share what they have made or learnt after the sermon.