Chetton - Autumn Fair at Chetton Village Hall

for 3 hours
Chetton Village Hall
St Giles Terrace Chetton, Shropshire, WV16 6UE

We are holding an Autumn Fair with a wide range of stalls at Chetton Village Hall on Thursday 2nd November,
10am to 1pm. Come along and browse or buy your Christmas gifts early, or just come along to enjoy coffee and
cakes. Entry £2.00.

Chetton Church

Welcome to Chetton Church
Dedicated to St Giles Chetton Church sits in the middle of this small village. The Church has some very attractive stained glass windows. Home to a friendly congregation visitors can always expect a warm welcome, sanctuary and hope.

We are a charity and rely entirely on donations - if you are able to make a donation please use the Give Now panel below. 

Brown Clee Benefice - Priest in Charge
We are pleased to announce that Revd Joe Simons has now been licensed as Priest in Charge of Brown Clee Group of Churches. Joe and his wife, Karen have moved into the Vicarage. Please pray for Joe as he begins his ministry in Brown Clee.

The contact number for The Vicarage is 01746 599217 and we have a new email address - [email protected] 

Join Us In Worship
Services, usually on second and fourth Sundays - please see our benefice Calendar in the Ditton Priors pages here.

Join Us at Social and Fundraising Events
Please see the benefice Social and Fundraising page here.

Please follow us on Facebook

Parish Magazine - Wheatland News - here.

The parish of Chetton is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. More information is here.

Get in touch

Revd Joe Simons

The Vicarage
Ditton Priors

WV16 6SQ
Revd Joe Simons
01746 599217
Church Warden
01746 789443
What's on

Chetton - Autumn Fair at Chetton Village Hall

for 3 hours
Chetton Village Hall
St Giles Terrace Chetton, Shropshire, WV16 6UE

We are holding an Autumn Fair with a wide range of stalls at Chetton Village Hall on Thursday 2nd November,
10am to 1pm. Come along and browse or buy your Christmas gifts early, or just come along to enjoy coffee and
cakes. Entry £2.00.

Chetton Church Charity No. 618272