Evensong (Cancelled on 22/12/24!!)

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Brampton Bryan St Barnabas
Brampton Bryan, SY7 0DH, United Kingdom

Book of Common Prayer

Evensong (Book of Common Prayer) at Brampton Bryan - Cancelled on 22/12/24!!

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Brampton Bryan St Barnabas
Brampton Bryan, SY7 0DH, United Kingdom

This service of Evensong, usually with organ accompaniment, occurs monthly, every fourth Sunday at 6:30 p.m. for 1 hour
Venue: St Barnabas Church at Brampton Bryan SY7 0DH

Particularly as our Parish afternoon and evening services 'stand alone' as the sole services running across our multi-church Parish at that time of day, we emphasise that all from across our churches, Parish and beyond will be warmly welcomed!

Fifth Sunday Holy Communion

Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
This service revolves around our 8 churches. Please go to www.wigmore-abbey.org.uk/services
This service revolves around our 8 churches. Please go to www.wigmore-abbey.org.uk/services

The church remains open for visitors and private prayer

Fifth Sunday Parish Gathered Holy Communion - usually Common Worship (when at Brampton Bryan - BCP)

Wednesday 27 November 2024, Sunday 29 December 2024, Tuesday 31 December 2024, Sunday 30 March 2025, Sunday 29 June 2025, Sunday 31 August 2025, Sunday 30 November 2025 at for 1 hour
Parish of Wigmore Abbey - Changing location as this service rotates around our churches
Various around our Parish. Please check website and worship rota posters for details, SY8 2HT

People from across our congregations of this multi-church Parish come to worship together every fifth Sunday of a month with different ones of our eight churches hosting this Holy Communion Service each time. Visitors will always be made very welcome!

Matins, Book of Common Prayer

Every First, Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Brampton Bryan St Barnabas
Brampton Bryan, SY7 0DH, United Kingdom

A Matins, Book of Common Prayer service on every first and second Sunday of the month. This service is part of the collective group of services hosted across the multi-church Parish of Wigmore Abbey. Everyone is welcome to attend any service in any of our churches across the Parish, which are hosting worship any particular week. The Parish services are led by members of our team of Worship Leaders, which includes Revd Adrian Thompson, our Priest-in-Charge, self-supporting ministers, Revd Lizzy Womack and Revd Lucy Thompson, our C of E Readers and some Lay Worship Leaders. We are also thankful for some support from retired clergy. Our hope and prayer is that, through our welcome and you joining in our Christian worship, you will encounter God, in ways which both bless you and equip you to bless others in your own neighbourhood and beyond.

Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Brampton Bryan St Barnabas
Brampton Bryan, SY7 0DH, United Kingdom

The church remains open for visitors and private prayer